Original Post
GET any head texture you every seen and il re-color it in your way!!
simple realy if you see someone with an awesome head just eathr pm m or post on here an il re-color it the way o want me to al you do is

~1.give me name of the person
~2. if i don get it riht away then i will have to find him
~3. i might on day do other txtures -comeg soon-
soryfor the spelling my key boured is fuced up bad

3-5k each head and if one day i get to re-color whole textur suits then 20k
thank you and pm me or leave a message on here
Last edited by moocow1; May 30, 2009 at 07:59 PM.
yes, yes it is (if moocow does it the cheap and easy way.)

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