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What Music Can You Not Stand?
Are there any genres of music that you absolutely hate, and make you want to blow up your eardrums (Exaggeration).

For me its, screamo because i find it to be extremely stupid. all it is, is a guy screaming words into a mic. i could like the music but the screaming ruins it for me.

i also really hate that stupid bubblegum pop (Brittney spears)
Rap, Grindcore, Metalcore, a lot of country, techno, R&B, rap, Disney music, commercial jingles, I hate a lot of music when the vocalist sounds extremely generic and trying to be epic with his "epic" clean vocals... disgusting.
An artist called GG Allen.

Anyone who has heard his music will want to commit suicide.
His song names tell the tale:

Stick a cross in a nuns cunt
Expose yourself to kids
Most of the time, if you ask an internet kid what they think of rap, they'll say it sucks. But that's just because of their hang-ups about black people. (Not talking about you guys.)

Rap culture is extremely homophobic. As a guy who takes such a huge stand on gay rights, there's no way I could willingly indulge in that culture.
It's also hypocritical sometimes. For instance, I used to listen to Ja Rule. He raps about "Gettin' money, fuckin' all the bitches." and various implications of killing and whatnot. Then he talks about keeping the Lord in the picture.

I'll definitely listen to a rap song if it's good. I try not to be close-minded whenever possible.
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He who was the butt of the joke reserves no right to say "that wasn't funny."