Original Post
Fastest 2 handed decap
12 frames, 2 hands, 190,000 points.

This is also started at 70 engage, so I guess you can do that too.

Just to clarify, a 2 handed decap is where both hands touch his head in the same frame to decap him.
Attached Files
Clap_decap.rpl (38.7 KB, 72 views)
Last edited by B-rad2; Jun 14, 2007 at 01:15 PM.
Sorry for the double post but I would like to bump and say something.

22 views of the replay and not one post. Isn't someone going to come along and beat this? Or do I actually win without Dafe or Patrick or Chez destroying this?
I tend to like to beat records by a good margin, and that's kind of on the impossible side with this sort of restriction and the initial performance. A 2-handed decap, as you define it, in this sort of time period forces you you move symmetrically, and you're totally limited by your pecs and bicep (and shoulder, to a limited degree) strength here.
Radioactive torso's description should be, "You have cancer like wow."
here i got a 11 frame 2handed decap
Attached Files
11frame 2 handed decap.rpl (13.1 KB, 23 views)
[COLOR=red][B]ARGUING[/B][/COLOR] on the internet is like runing in the [COLOR=blue]s[B][/COLOR][COLOR=green][B]p[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=purple]e[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=deep][B]c[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=red][B]i[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=death][B]a[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=blood][B]l[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]OLYMPICS[/B][/COLOR] even if you win.[COLOR=red][B]YOUR STILL RETARTED[/B][/COLOR]
mish i count 13 brad do it again but make ur it 12 frames in total not 1k frames just to make sure
Originally Posted by Dexter
if god is with me and if i belived in god and im sure he is in the room with me, i just wish he brought a extention cord

Originally Posted by cabose View Post
mish i count 13 brad do it again but make ur it 12 frames in total not 1k frames just to make sure

No he definitely got 11 frames.
here i re-did it
Attached Files
mish 11.rpl (13.1 KB, 22 views)
[COLOR=red][B]ARGUING[/B][/COLOR] on the internet is like runing in the [COLOR=blue]s[B][/COLOR][COLOR=green][B]p[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=purple]e[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=deep][B]c[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=red][B]i[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=death][B]a[/B][/COLOR][COLOR=blood][B]l[/B][/COLOR] [COLOR=red][B]OLYMPICS[/B][/COLOR] even if you win.[COLOR=red][B]YOUR STILL RETARTED[/B][/COLOR]