Original Post
Stamina problem
Hey guys,i have a serious problem please don't laugh at this.

When i have sexual contacts with a girl i "ejaculating" so fast.
I'm trying to last longer,is there any way?

Uh,i know this is not such place to ask but i will risk it.
Err. Of course we won't laugh at you. Quite a few males have this problem, you know. You should try to ejaculate shortly (like 15-30 minutes) before you have sex with your partner. Of course that can be hard if you don't know when that is going to happen, but I'm just going to assume that you have a girlfriend and you come too fast.

Also you should try to please your partner with your fingers and tongue for a few minutes before you actually, well... you know. So he/she actually enjoys it as well and you aren't "done" too fast.

This topic is case sensitive btw, any stupid comments or too "obvious" (yes, you know what I mean) replies and I will close. Oh, and one more thing:


Watch this video, it's funny and related.