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I lurk Hall of shame very often,and i saw a Flame thread by defqon but it unfoturnately got deleted.
I asked him on msn why he did(We are clanmates/Same schoolers) but he shares my account sometimes to talk to DSC[Decap] and i did now to let him upload some .rpl. Anyways,I asked him why he did that because he did embarass him self,he said "I DID IT FOR TEH LULZ".I don't got him today anywhere so i'm asking here (because you know internet well >.>)
i don't get it,Can someone explain?

If he did it for the lulz, he did it for the lols, meaning he did it for a laugh.
collect snots from the nose
Yeah but this is stupid,he got banned.
It's 11:55 PM and i finaly met him.
He said he forgot about the rule of insulting other,Cause yeah he likes being trolled or trolling people with bad spellcheck.
Originally Posted by Kordiss View Post
You probably don't know what "lol" means...
I'm not laughing.

Id do know,but i also heard that from FOX 11 And anonymous so i'm confused.
LOL is Laugh out loud but lulz is something different.
Originally Posted by Zacsterr View Post
This is retarded.
Maybe he was high or drunk or something.

He is not a retard,but he drunks ofter.
He's favouite drinks are North and Smirnoff series.
He did assaulted back some people on the community,but did never Insulted mods.

Well yeah some mods are pricks some times so it's annoying.
Lulz is a corruption of the word L.O.L., which stands for Laughing Out Loud.
This was started by an Internet group of hackers on steroids.

It means he did it because it was funny.
Originally Posted by ermac2222 View Post
Lulz is a corruption of the word L.O.L., which stands for Laughing Out Loud.
This was started by an Internet group of hackers on steroids.

It means he did it because it was funny.

I don't belive that fox news shit,i told that to someone and a lot of guys insulted me.
I asked them why and they said becase i heard that fox news faggot.