Original Post
We are now enimies because CinaMintz came in and flamed capsd spammed and disrespected me and my clan members

[BISH] | [TRG] | [Clanless] | [LLAMA] | [WL] | [SS]
.:: Azir Signature And Avvy Shop::.
Shook Made Dis ^]

Everyone listen up. This kid is throwing a fit for nothing. I think we all know who Torideath is.

Reported post. Try not to invade, and use our enemy list.
You pronounced us enimies in my server, I have screenies go ahead report it

[BISH] | [TRG] | [Clanless] | [LLAMA] | [WL] | [SS]
.:: Azir Signature And Avvy Shop::.
Shook Made Dis ^]

I Anounced CBK Being enemies! But you could have posted in our War thread! Making a new post was pointless, and spam!

Post again and i'm getting Skulfuk. now GTFO now.

You are not welcome posting in CBK forums. I don't want you posting here at all!
Get him
If you want to solve this little problem /jo TapOut

But DO NOT flame spam or disrespect us please

[BISH] | [TRG] | [Clanless] | [LLAMA] | [WL] | [SS]
.:: Azir Signature And Avvy Shop::.
Shook Made Dis ^]
You're missing the point. CBK is a peaceful clan, not a warring one.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Hebraw nice Posts Number btw. I'll edit this post soon, wait.

Here's the deal:
ToriDeath looks like "Non-existing", so wait until he show you guys the screenshots with the proofs, if you did shit Cina you need to keep quiet. I'm still here in the forums to take care of my Cinacina lolk? <3
Soooo if you flamed'em there's a reason for it, I flame everyone, with a reason obviously.

Actually ToriDeath thats invasion, and you acted awesomenesslynooberly and you should just get out becuz there's a rule that says "If you say something in a clan forum and the members feel offended about it, they can report you.".
Last edited by FuryBull; Apr 17, 2009 at 06:28 PM.
I can conform to that. I can be peacfull ;)

Fury, listen to me, and trust me when I say this little 9 year old is a liar.

The ONLY thing I said in all caps was "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" then he muted me telling me not to use caps.

I remember Torideath, he either applied here, or Beta. But either one, we denied him becuase he just wasn't cut out for a clan. so he flamed us.

He made a clan called Tapout. I made a simple comment as a joke saying... "Your clan looks like a bunch of runners, lol" Just becuase I thought Tapout ment you were tapping out for a friend to take your place for fighting. I was joking.

Then the kid went all Promo team on me just becuase he was an oporator. It was a simple clan testing server, and he was muting me pointlessly. First he muted me for caping once. And I understood that, but questioned why. And he said.. "i dont like capsing"

And so on, nothing more apealing from there. I got kicked. Then 10 minutes later, rejoined. Aploligizing. He accepted. Then I said "If I may be frank" And then I completely forgot what I said. But I was calm from there on end. While he was acusing me of swearing at him after saying...."F*ck this, hey LadyDeath, /jo Cina" Now we are back at where I appligized. I said my opinion calmly. He told me, no, "I'm not acepting any of your shit. GTFO. Forever" Then kickbaned me.

Then this idiot posted here;. When he clearely could have posted in our War/Enemy thread. So i PMed bdo. And explained, he banned him for a day.

EDIT: Guys, please. torideath is like, 9 years old, and doesn't think one bit before he types. His definition of "Swearing at me" Was me saying "F*ck this, hey lady, /jo Cina" I never swore at him, and I censsored it. His definition of "Spamming" Was me saying "ARE YOU KIDDING ME!" He muted, and kicked me for both of those things. He abuses and completely mimies PT members.

I said the truth, now do what you want.
Last edited by Cinamintz; Apr 17, 2009 at 07:14 PM.