Original Post
The way to do my signature Dodgeball move!

Hold all
Contracting Right Pecs
Raising Right Shoulder
Contracting Left Pecs
Raising Left Shoulder

Lowering Right Shoulder
Lowering Left Shoulder
Grip Left Hand
Grip Right Hand

Raising Right Shoulder
Raising Left Shoulder

Ungrip Left Hand
Ungrip Right Hand

Extending Right Hip
Extending Left Hip

Extending Right Wrist
Extending Left Wrist
Ungrip Right Hand

Lowering Right Shoulder
Lowering Left Shoulder
Grip Left Hand
Grip Right Hand

Raising Right Shoulder
Raising Left Shoulder

Lowering Right Shoulder
Lowering Left Shoulder
Ungrip Left Hand
Ungrip Right Hand

Hardy harr harr!

Oh yeah, 10 frames per space, 1000 frames!
Re: Dodgeball
I can't remember exactly, it is 1000/10 or 10 Frames per space with 1000 frames and a 1000 space dojo (sorry non-registereds, you can do the dojo!) So try and find out how many space are betweeen each move, I might do it a little later, but I just woke up and am still very tired, it is 9:51 over here in the morning.
Re: Dodgeball
Originally Posted by Danny
cool super smash bros brawl!


oh. your a spammer.
lyh oui ihtancdyht drec?
ev oui lyh