Original Post
Recruitment Standards
MOstly made this thread just so we can clear up the clan's recruitment standards and what kind of people we are looking for to join DeM. As well as the individuals who will be (primarily) in charge of recruitment.

Recruitment Team: (You can call them representatives)

These guys are primarily in charge of giving their opinion on applications, and testing out new people who want to join.

Anyone can refer someone to "apply" however only the leaders and recruiters can test them out and accept them.

For starters lets get our standards listed in order of importance:

Activity: Right now we have all the skill we need, and are doin pretty good for our clan's size. However I want to find members who are active on the forums, as well as in game. Until we get the clan video finished, the only players I want to see us recruiting are active ones.

Maturity/Presentation: I want to see applications that look like Megajuices and Jacos. Preferably with some decent, readable grammar lol. This isn't uber important, but I hate it when our clan forum gets invaded by someone important and we have threads that are cluttered with:

"iz mer bifdayyyyy givez prezzies pleaz!!?!?!"


why i want to join dem: cuz you guyz are cool

Seriously I'll slap a bitch....

Skill: I believe between Gynx, Jaco, Begin, Mega, and all the other skilled members of DeM, we have enough skill to go around, however what I feel we are lacking right now is activity, that is why skill is last right now.

Last edited by LadyDEATH; Feb 18, 2009 at 08:34 PM.
(Hive people only, haha!)
Note: I dont want anyone being recruited until i've seen them. That is final.
collect snots from the nose
I got my computer back up and running, so I'll be more active in-game and in the forums.

Lady: Thank you for making me a Recruiter. I'll do my best to find people that match the requirements.

Gynx: I'll make sure you see them before I say they can join.
^_^ Sounds great. After you find someone have them apply so that myself, gynx, you, and jaco can vote yes/no, ask them any questions, test, ect.
(Hive people only, haha!)
Gynx is acting all hero like .. ooooo hot <3

Lol kidding ...

Ok this is serious stuff ... ill make a full report on all my tests and give my full opinion on all applications .(some pople whill start to hate me)

Thx for giving me this opertunity
Originally Posted by LadyDEATH View Post
MOstly made this thread just so we can clear up the clan's recruitment standards and what kind of people we are looking for to join DeM. As well as the individuals who will be (primarily) in charge of recruitment.

Recruitment Team: (You can call them representatives)
RainRain iz too ghey to be in it tho

These guys are primarily in charge of giving their opinion on applications, and testing out new people who want to join.

Anyone can refer someone to "apply" however only the leaders and recruiters can test them out and accept them.

For starters lets get our standards listed in order of importance:

Activity: Right now we have all the skill we need, and are doin pretty good for our clan's size. However I want to find members who are active on the forums, as well as in game. Until we get the clan video finished, the only players I want to see us recruiting are active ones.

Maturity/Presentation: I want to see applications that look like Megajuices and Jacos. Preferably with some decent, readable grammar lol. This isn't uber important, but I hate it when our clan forum gets invaded by someone important and we have threads that are cluttered with:

"iz mer bifdayyyyy givez prezzies pleaz!!?!?!"


why i want to join dem: cuz you guyz are cool

Seriously I'll slap a bitch....

Skill: I believe between Gynx, Jaco, Begin, Mega, and all the other skilled members of DeM, we have enough skill to go around, however what I feel we are lacking right now is activity, that is why skill is last right now.


"My motivation is Failure" Call me Person.
{DarDarDarDar Dakneshh.}
RainRain I was considering you as a recruiter, but we need to talk about some shit cause I have been hearing some really bad things about you, as well as a few members you apparently recruited, without having them post on the application thread first. So now I have to explain to them they are NOT in DeM until they apply.
(Hive people only, haha!)
Originally Posted by LadyDEATH View Post
RainRain I was considering you as a recruiter, but we need to talk about some shit cause I have been hearing some really bad things about you, as well as a few members you apparently recruited, without having them post on the application thread first. So now I have to explain to them they are NOT in DeM until they apply.

Whai whu?


I ahvnt recruited any1 yet

i told two poeple to post in the application form and put my name as reccomended

But i never recruited

one of those poeple never went to post

and TvK was the other

and what type of bad things? O-o
"My motivation is Failure" Call me Person.
{DarDarDarDar Dakneshh.}