Original Post
Backwards Kick 'n Slam
Engage distance -120 (sorry, non-regged users), everything else demo settings.
Press C
Contract pecs
Extend elbows, hips, abs, and ankles
Raise shoulders
Grab hands
*space 4*
Lower shoulders
Contract neck, hips, and abs
*space 3*
Extend wrists
Ungrab hands
Contract knees
*space 2*
Extend knees and pecs
Contract ankles
Raise shoulders

...and that's all! Press p to enjoy the madness, or finish off how you like.
Re: Backwards Kick 'n Slam
Ive only got the demo, so i cant use this move prople. But in normal engage distance, Uke and Yourself both get 2964 points. :P
| Knbl.on.TB |
Proud member of Sigma. Proud congregator of BnW.