Original Post
Hey dudes, i've had a great time in this clan, but it's time to announce my departure. Reasons:

a) this clan is uber inactive online, i've only seen alien0 online

b) this clan is not considerate/generous whatsoever, look at how many people have donated to the clan bank and my birthday(0).

c) this clan doesnt suit my taste, u dudes are pretty boring and quite inactive

d) u dudes dont enjoy my games or even try putting effort into them

DONT FLAME ME, i still love u guys and i dont expect anyone to leave after this, because i haven't made much contribution to this clan anyway

I'm on all the time though D:
I respect you and <3 you (in a friend sense) xD
I care!

And, doesn't suit your taste? Seems kind of dumb. xD

But, alright. ^^ Not going to argue. Have fun!
Cya Aipom ^^
Catch you around later.

PS: I was going to send you tc today for your b day
PSS: do you want your tc back from the clan bank?
Last edited by Ramenlover; Feb 13, 2009 at 03:21 AM.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?
one reason why he might not have seen me online is either he lives on a different timezone than i do or he just didn't search for other Triforce members online in toribash because i honestly haven't seen him online either.
I'm usually online for about 2 hours a day at least depending on if I'm busy or not.
Originally Posted by NinjaAiPoM View Post
Hey dudes, i've had a great time in this clan, but it's time to announce my departure. Reasons:

a) this clan is uber inactive online, i've only seen alien0 online

b) this clan is not considerate/generous whatsoever, look at how many people have donated to the clan bank and my birthday(0).

c) this clan doesnt suit my taste, u dudes are pretty boring and quite inactive

d) u dudes dont enjoy my games or even try putting effort into them

DONT FLAME ME, i still love u guys and i dont expect anyone to leave after this, because i haven't made much contribution to this clan anyway


as for this saying "DONT FLAME ME" and "i still love you guys" those two statements are contradictory to your whole message as to why you are leaving
Last edited by Organ; Feb 13, 2009 at 06:51 AM.
You don't say?
Wow, I'm playing online all the time I'm upset to see you go, if you decide to return you will be very welcome.

I didn't send you anything for your bday for 2 reasons:
1. I has very little tc
2. Your a rich bitch.

You will be missed.
Ninja, one of the few things we hate are fags who get upset when people leave clans or when those people say things about the clan which they disagree with. Most of us here are mature enough to respect your decision and whatever our opinions, you will be left to go in peace, as for the money, you were welcome to take it, but now that you have left the clan you have no claim to it anymore, even though you were relinquishing ownership of it anyways. As I said before, you will be missed and will be welcomed back if you decide to return.
Originally Posted by NinjaAiPoM View Post
Hey dudes, i've had a great time in this clan, but it's time to announce my departure. Reasons:

a) this clan is uber inactive online, i've only seen alien0 online
DIfferent time zones :O

b) this clan is not considerate/generous whatsoever, look at how many people have donated to the clan bank and my birthday(0).
I had to beg to get some TCs on mah birthday and I only got 500TC :O

c) this clan doesnt suit my taste, u dudes are pretty boring and quite inactive

d) u dudes dont enjoy my games or even try putting effort into them
I enjoy them... >.>

DONT FLAME ME, i still love u guys and i dont expect anyone to leave after this, because i haven't made much contribution to this clan anyway


Anyway, Good luck out there \o
Retired Player