Original Post
[Auction]Full Copper
Starting Bid 20k
Minimum Raise 2k

Copper Blood
Copper DQ
Copper Emote
Copper Force
Copper Ghost
Copper Grip
Copper Trails
Copper Primary/Secondary
Copper Force/Relax
Copper Timer
Copper Torso
Copper User Text

Bidding Will End when i feel good and ready, which will most likely be tomorrow.
Last edited by BrownStain; Feb 12, 2009 at 07:25 AM.
What can BROWN do for you?
sorry never really done anything here, what would be a reasonable price?

EDIT: Changed price, sorry for my noob-itus. I never really sell items. i just kinda looked in the torishop and took some tc off what it would cost for everything.
Last edited by BrownStain; Feb 12, 2009 at 07:26 AM.
What can BROWN do for you?