Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
ime gonna (bleeping) kill myself
ye heard me... this world i live in is a piece of SHIT MY OWN MUM dOeSNT EVEN LOVE ME!!!1 i cant fucking take it. the whole world is against me. every cornere there is something to pull me down. i have friends that dont even like me because i changed class. ever since i foundout i was changeing they have been calling me gay, fat, skum and a drug user. i want to (bleeping) end my life NOW! ARGGGHG. i know suicide is a sin but i dont give a shit. THERE IS NO GOD. if there was he would have donw atleas 1 thing to help me out. but no, nadda, zilch. i might stick my head in the snow and stay there.
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
Thats not true! Im not against you. Always look on the bright side of life y'know? Also, is there anything bad about being a drug user?
Leader of ORMO||Property of [T]||A replay thread
1st off, don't ever say your mom doesn't love you. that's a big fat lie

2nd, if your friends dislike you because you changed classes, well that's a very stupid reason now isn't it?

3rd, get some freaking help! if you're feeling that depressed over such little shit, you need some therapy. get some help, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and don't post stuff like that here (you're more likely to get posts saying "so kill yourself already" than helpful posts)
Former Item Forger
ummmm ok whats killing yourself gunna do. its not going to effect everyone so you would be just giving up on life. take it from me, a man who was suffering with depression for 5 freaking long years, LIFE IS WORTH LIVING, GET THAT INTO YOUR FREAKING HEAD. you off yourself now, and you will never know if ur gunna live a happy and meaningful life. i now have a girlfriend she suffered with depression for a long time but she realized life was worth living now that we have each other. in conclusion all you need is someone to be with, someone to talk to and you will not want to kill ur self.
|Co-Founder of iCoF|Now Using a New Account ToxWolf|
ok you know what... this is getting worse and WORSE!!!!!. ime siting here and my mum is saying ime a dirty piece of rubish and havent had a shower in 2 days. and she is talking to my dad and wont listen to anything i say... its the things that i cant remember well that are building up... and up.
[Pandora] I can't appreciate another day in Heaven without another day in Hell [Anime United]
if you want my opinion reaper............... tell your mum: BACK RIGHT THE FUCK OFF BITCH. if its your mum being the whole problem. If not read what i put up there before.
|Co-Founder of iCoF|Now Using a New Account ToxWolf|