Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Call of Duty: World at War glitches/strategies *contains spoilers*
Hey if anyone wants to play CoD: WaW just add me, my gamertag is xX73ChevelleXx. I usually play against the Nazi Zombies. My friend and I have only got up to level 9. If you have any tips, hints or strategies, post 'em here! I have 1 strategy for the Nazi Zombie mode.
Nazi Zombie Strategy
(Needs at least 2 players, me and my friend got up to level 9, but we haven’t really played much)

1. You and your friend should get at least 2000 points each.

2. Open the HELL/HELP door (costs 1000 points).

3. Go to the LEFT and get a gun out of the mystery box. If you bought the Kar98k or M1 Carbine in the first room trade your Colt M1911 for the mystery box gun.

4. If you get the ray gun, you should use it, but save some ammo, because if you get downed, you need to cover your friend while they revive you and you can use the ray gun instead of a Colt M1911.

5. Once you get a good gun out of the mystery box, go upstairs from the HELL/HELP room. Don’t go in the starting room and then upstairs, because zombies can just break in from the first room up the stairs. But if you go upstairs from the HELL/HELP room, they need to walk from the starting room to the HELL/HELP room and then upstairs so it takes them a little longer.

6. Once upstairs, go to the left and go into the next room. Stay in the corner by the grenades.

7. If you are low on ammo/out of ammo and there is A LOT of zombies, throw a grenade down the stairs and you AND your friend go back to the HELL/HELP room and get a gun from the mystery box. If you get a bad gun and you have a lot of points, keep trying until you get a good gun. Such as: Ray Gun (obviously), Flamethrower (duh), Thompson, Browning, BAR, etc.

8. Go back upstairs with your new, owning gun and get ready for some more zombies!

This usually works for me.[/font]
When you get to the mystery box, look on the ground just a little right of the box, you should see a helmet. Shoot the helmet 3 times, then open the mystery box. Usually i get a good gun with this strategy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't!
Last edited by 73CHEVELLE; Apr 13, 2009 at 12:09 AM.
I play with mah brother for nazi zombies and I use almost that exact same tactic, except we wait for 4000 then get the mystery box, then we kinda just hope we get rocket launcher or something else sexy.(One time I got flamethrower and mp40 in a row, we got to stage 18 ) [Note my brother rarely plays this game, only nazi zombies lol] Anyways yeah. Online here is my ultimate setups:
.397 Magnum
Primary x2
Stopping Power
Extreme Conditioning
^-- Overall class

PPsh (Round drum preferred unless you need aperture site)
Tokarev TT-33
N'74 ST
Tabun Gas
Bouncing Betty
Double Tap
Toss Back
^-- Very good runguner setup (Only if you are very 'familiarized' with the game)

Signal Flare
Bouncing Betty
Stopping Power
Iron Longs/Recon( Its good to see when the doggies are comming >< )

Use L1(Aim down site) unless you are very close to the opponent!!!
Don't run into a flag without checking for snipers ><
Always use grenades against 3+ enemies unless you have browning/mg etc(High capacity guns)
Don't play this game with a bad mic unless you want people to hate you.
Aaaaaand when using a sniper don't run around witha sniper rifle, switch to pistol.

[Thats just common tips that I see alot of people not doing while I play online >.>

(Im a PS3'er!!! PSN Name: OveRKill93
Last edited by DarkHuntsBank; Feb 8, 2009 at 11:40 AM.
What me and my buddies do on Nazi zombies is this:
Stay in the first room until about lvl 6-8 depending on your skill.
Then 2 of us head into the help room and try for the mystery box.
If either of us get a ray gun the other two come into the back and watch the windows/wall while the ray gun user stands in front of the door mowing down the zombies.After about wave 10 one of the players run into the first room and open the stairway to slow the zombies down a bit.(they have to go upstairs,then go down the stairs to get to the help room)Whenever you have a chance to get away from the zombies try for the mystery box until everyone has a ray gun and whichever other weapon they want.Occasionally alternate watching the door to conserve ammo for your ray guns.If your team mates aren't complete morons I'd assume you could survive quite a while using this strategy,but I always have some faggot attempting to get in front of the door-watcher whilst using a colt m1911,so I couldn't tell you how good it'll work with a good team.
Cod WaW: Zombie Asylum *NEW*
Hey I just got the new Cod Waw Map Pack and it's awesome. It's so much better than the old one. If you ever wanna play it with me my gamertag is xX73ChevelleXx.
Well i have xbox live and call of duty 5,But no new map pack yet - sad face - Im hoping to get it soon tho

[Auction].::Full Demo Set::.
~TheElement Signature WingFlame
cool. when u get it if u want me to show u where the weapons and stuff are or just play it with me add me

GT: xX73ChevelleXx
I love how when you have 4 ppl your split into two teams , and how if you get a teddy bear in the random weapon box.....THE BOX DISAPPEARS
I don't personally think this deserves a seperate thread. Talk about anything CoD: WaW in its thread next time.


EDIT: Since I didn't see a thread specifically about CoD: WaW I merged it with your other thread about strategies.
Last edited by Pirate_old; Mar 28, 2009 at 05:19 PM.
on the computer, i got up to lv 20, SUCH A MASSIVE INVASION, laster 30 seconds on lv 20. Do NOT remove all the sofas, they are effective in trapping the monsters, watch the top right window, stay around the corner and shoot at the zombies throught the other window
ok sorry pirate. i forgot about this thread.

btw Paralyzer, when u get the teddy bear the box doesnt dissaprear forever. it has 2 other spawns spots.

1. in the first room with the juggernaught or w/e its called and the gewehr 43. its right next to the window.

2. the 2nd spawn spot is right outside the electrical room behind the STG-44

3.the 3rd spawn spot is near the top of the stairs on the double tap machine side, it is right next to the breakable wall.

4. the 4th spawn spot is in the room with the thompson. when you open the first door(next to the quick revive), look straight ahead.

5. and the other one is in the electrical room. the first spot.
Last edited by 73CHEVELLE; Apr 13, 2009 at 12:13 AM.