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GTA The changes
Grand Theft Auto...
Today GTA IV has sold 10.000.000 copy's.
First it was a crappy game(imo)
But today the game has won the gamers hearts.
But GTA have been a big dissapointment from time to time.
Take a look at these pics



I know.
What do you think about the changes?
Click here
Also: Ponies, cotton candy and rainbows!
I've never liked GTA. Ever.
It just seemed like someone set out to make a game purely to offend people.
Same with Postal.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
And why was it a crappy game at first? Because back then games didn't have prettyful graphics?

Personally i still love GTA 2, very much so. It's just completely different game from third and fourth parts, more lighthearted fun.

I was a little disappointed with GTA 4 due to some lack of variety. You don't really have much choice as far as buying property or clothes. The environment is largely the same also. Other than that it was good.

Originally Posted by Mister616 View Post
It just seemed like someone set out to make a game purely to offend people.
Same with Postal.

Of all the people....I'd pick you nearly last to be offended by such games :P
Last edited by Odlov; Feb 7, 2009 at 07:03 PM.
Originally Posted by Odlov View Post
Of all the people....I'd pick you nearly last to be offended by such games :P

I'm not offended by it, it just seems like they were trolling conservatives IRL.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
I like Gta 3, vice city and san andreas. I havent played the older ones, but I love driving the cars around and the combat. I think they just made the games offensive as an afterthought.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
GTA 4 lacks major variety compared to San Andreas. For example: Can't fly planes, can't drive combines, can't have a jetpack, no driving school, not much to the environment, no bicycles, no parachutes, no different fighting styles, no flamethrower, no stats.

GTA 4's physics are totaly awesome though. The skeletal physics (improved version of ragdoll phyics) are fun to use when using a car on a pedestrian, and the car body crash modifications are grand, too. I can smash a car against a wall and make it skinny, or fall on the roof of it and cave it in.
I have left Toribash, but will drop in occasionally on the forums and IRC. Still in Sigma.
Originally Posted by Drummer View Post
GTA 4 lacks major variety compared to San Andreas. For example: Can't fly planes, can't drive combines, can't have a jetpack, no driving school, not much to the environment, no bicycles, no parachutes, no different fighting styles, no flamethrower, no stats.

GTA 4's physics are totaly awesome though. The skeletal physics (improved version of ragdoll phyics) are fun to use when using a car on a pedestrian, and the car body crash modifications are grand, too. I can smash a car against a wall and make it skinny, or fall on the roof of it and cave it in.

On Xbox360 it has got different fighting styles , karate , street fighting and judo (probably some more)
It all depends on the button combos.
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.
I like the original Grand Theft Auto the most because it's simply fun to play.
(Yes, I still play it sometimes.)
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Originally Posted by donkor View Post
On Xbox360 it has got different fighting styles , karate , street fighting and judo (probably some more)
It all depends on the button combos.

Bull shit.

I personally like all the GTA games,but I would most definitely like a GTA that uses the physics of GTAIV with the freedom of San Andreas.
Bull shit huh?
Maybe clomplete the missions , read a review or watch some vid at youtube.
They are combos of the sticks and buttons.

Anyways , indeed. I would like GTA IV to be alot bigger.
Feels like a small box comparing to SA.
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.