Original Post
Whats happening to the modders?
i feel all alone... im a modder and one of the few active ones. was it always like this? or has modding gone through a decline?

seems like theirs so much suggestions for gameplay and stuff, but we need stuff to help modding be more interesting. ideas have run dry and we need more ways to make new mods.

mod triggers is an interesting idea... but meanwhile...

i hope that others will follow in my footsteps and become a modder. its really quite fun. 8D
- its been a while
I agree and I've been silently working on a few. I'll upload them within the month.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
I'm on hiatus cause I don't gain TC for winning in my mods.. so no matter how epic my mods are.. they're not fun cause there's no TC distribution for playing them.........

Edit: ..and for the most part they're fair.
/set gr 0 0 -30
ok i posted a suggestion in the suggestions thread. seems like ive got pretty positive feedback about it. learn more here:
- its been a while
Well, most of us are in School, and now the Australians are in school too, so we are probably not gonna be all that active anymore.

well anyways, support my suggestion at

if that gets passed, and mod triggers are enabled too, im sure the modding community will grow like it never has before.
- its been a while
i want to mod but world builder wont work on TB 3.69 and its really annoying >.<
|Co-Founder of iCoF|Now Using a New Account ToxWolf|
i can help with that.

make a new script called zzz.lua and save it in your script folder. then it will appear. theres a bug in toirbash that makes the last item on every list invisible.

hope that helped.
- its been a while