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The Stupidest Game Endings
If u ever played Advent Rising for Xbox, after u beat the game he get sucked in this black hole thing , then all there is is snow ,sumguy picks him up thin thats it
but it was a pretty good game
GOW2 endid stupidly.

GRAW2 also ended quite poorly.

My fav. would be the ending to Modern Warfare.
Fonzie be with you.
sorry, just wanted to point out "stupidest" isn't a word.

the word you're looking for is "dumbest"

therefore. I say you are the dumbest game ending ever.

[ontopic] I gotta say the ending of many games are quite stupid, they don't give enough reward for your efforts. an addaboy(cut-scene) is a poor reward for beating a game, but that's often all you get.[/ontopic]
Former Item Forger
Most games don't have a good ending because most of you expect too much from the ending. F.E.A.R. had a bad ending though but thats because i expected much much more from it
|Co-Founder of iCoF|Now Using a New Account ToxWolf|
The F.E.A.R ending was a cliffhanger. Didn't seem too bad. But that's just my opinion. The worst ending for me would be... None. I usually never pass my games. When I do they're not bad.
It makes me wonder..
Should you get money if you beat a game?
I think the cut-scene or cheat code(s) or others are enough for me.
They make me feel proud.
After all, this is my opinion.

...Stupidest ending? Well, uh...
I think they all are pretty good, eh...
Or then I just haven't been playing enough other games.
Knights of the Old Republic 2 had the worst one so far, in my opinion...
I mean, having to rush a game is never nice... But having the final boss -explain- what would've happened in the ending movie, then cutting straight to the credits is not my idea of an ending. At least give me a nice cg lightsaber duel or something...
I'm back, I think... :)
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