Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Politcal Speech
http://nopaste.info/d2ecb15f49.html Ladies and Gentleman, Deputies of the Bundestag of Germany We, the Members of the Parliament, don't trust our very own people anymore. We don't trust them anymore and therefore the members of the parliament determined that can decide for the future of Germany. But besided the fact that we don't trust our people anymore we also think that they are plain stupid and forgetful. But that seems to be the European standart these days. The French and the Dutch declined the European Constitution so in the second round we just waved the act through with another name:"The Reform Treaty" without even asking the folk. But here in Germany it's a traditional principle not to ask the people anyway so we luckily can't be accused for such a mockery of the will of the people, especially not for European concerns. Be it is introduction of the Euro or the expansion of the Schengen-Region. Both decisions never had any chance to get the majority of the people. And all of you know that, Ladies and Gentleman! This Treaty of Lissabon which is called "Reform Treaty" does not significantly differ from the failed European Constitution Treaty. Therefore the word "constitution" is now avoided carefully. With this "Reform Treaty" a binding constitution is created for over 500 million people without asking for their opinion. A constitution which is not deomocratically legitimized A constitution which assumes a "European Folk" that doesn't even exist A constitution which's existence is deeply hostile to democracy. Affected are: Economy-, Social-, Labour-, Tax-, Justice- and Culturepolitics. An approval by the european parliament is no longer required, Ladies and Gentleman. And where is the co-determination of the national parliaments? Where is the sovereignty of the people? From now on the politics for Germany will be determined by 27 heads of the goverment and at least 26 of them will be non-Germans. What else is kept secret? European taxes for example. They can be introduced through the Reform Treaty. And where a state has the possibility to rise taxes it will definitely do so. The financal problems for the people in Germany will grow to an massive dimension. That will be a new Versaille for Germany, Ladies and Gentleman. And this is what you want to keep secret. Through this EU Reform Treaty you legitimize Brussels as almighty to decide over Germans interests. And especially we in Germany should be very carefully. Make your decisions for Germany! Let us save the future of Germany. Not less than that, the people expect from us today. German Chistians and Democrats can not agree to this treaty. Do you like it? Things which could be better? Tell me please. Thanks.