Original Post

What happened lately:

04/02/09[3:00PM]: Diealready poured Diet Pepsi into a Coca-Cola bottle.
03/29/09[2:46PM]:haven't been keeping up on this at all but recently we had more activity in the forums. I'm really glad you guys are starting to socialize. please keep it up and lets try to play in game more.
02/03/09[6:22PM]:Toabytooby has been kicked from the clan.

Information to know will be below:

If Sado edits a post it will be in this color
If Diealready edits a post it will be in this color

the basic stuff to follow:

If you'd like to join please visit the Join thread. (blackbelt or higher)
Please read the Rules before posting.
If you feel like Flaming then visit the thread for it. Flaming anywhere else in our boards is not okay.

Our current allies are the following:


elite (forum)
Ninja (forum)
Phantom (forum)

To be added to our allies just PM me and ask. (you must be official)

The following is the story behind TAG as told by KiTFoX:

Everyone has been telling me that my clan, TAG, needs a story.

So here it is, quiet down and listen up kiddies.

We're a group of international retards, we travel the world on unicorns. My unicorn has the biggest penis, of course, because I am the biggest dick. We travel the globe pooping on peoples doorsteps and saran-wrapping cars. We get off to midget icky. If you see us in-game, make sure to tell us we are retards, it makes us feel good when we are having a bad day.

Also, we like to spoon.

That is all.

Get the hell off my lawn.

"On Friday, February 6, 2009, TML joined our fabulous association. I honestly believe this to be the greatest event in the history of gaming, life, and the history of the universe. Without his... Ahem, guidance, the world would be a terrible, lonely place, with ten thousand fists in your mom constantly. Needless to say, many people will be unbelievers and kill themselves, due to the massiveness of his unicorn. Also, guess who this quote is by, therefore triplifying it's value?" -TML, leader of nothing.

[TAG] is a clan dedicated to providing a somewhat family-like environment for the better players of the Toribashian community:

We were originally formed in April of 2008 by supakiller.
After 3 months of leading the clan, supakiller left us on July 14, 2008 to seek a new clan, and so [TAG] would not die without a leader, he appointed namcoboy as the leader. After what seemed like a few days, he claimed it was too much pressure on him to lead a clan, so he also left us in the cold, but with yet another new leader, known as HaXBoX. Not long after HaXBoX gained leadership of the clan, he was perma-banned for reasons not to be told. During the 2 weeks after HaXBoX was banned, a member of the clan decided to try to keep the clan alive, he is known as KiTFoX. No matter how hard he tried, the clan was slowly dying. After 2/3 days, the clan was dead. After a month and a half of being dead, 2 former members of [TAG] decided to give it another chance, KiTFoX and tacoBELL revived the clan starting from scratch. After 2 months the official leader, KiTFoX, resigned from his position as leader leaving the clan to tacoBELL. tacoBELL has been the official leader of [TAG] since November 16, 2008 and is planning on keeping the clan alive for many months to come. The new leaders of [TAG] are Sado and Diealready. they both decided to restart the clan, and remove any inactive members about a day after tacoBELL left. the clan has been keeping active and successful(even though we dont do shit) and we have 16 people in the clan so far.

Last edited by Diealready; Apr 2, 2009 at 10:05 PM.
meap rocks
What does TAG mean

Totally Awesome Gays?




Last edited by Diealready; Feb 1, 2009 at 12:53 AM.
Fonzie be with you.
When TAG was originally formed by supakiller, it was an acronym for "Toribash Action Gamers." Now it is meaningless.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol