Original Post
Evil girls
Yeh, I don't really need advice but you can drop off something funny or just listen to my short story.

So well yeah, I met this hot girl like two weeks ago. At first she seemed really nice, not shy though. Right now she's really driving me nuts. Well we spend most of the day with each other made out etc. but we didn't talk about a relationship yet so I don't call her my girlfriend at this point.

Anyways, now that I got to know her a little better she actually starts SCARING me. She's so (bleep)ing direct all the time in everything she says or does, cheeky as hell and I generally feel like she's trying to "oppress" me in a weird way. I don't let that happen though and retort with something funny everytime she says something evil (like, for example; "Your hair looks ugly"). Makes her laugh.

Right now I think I'll bang her once or twice then leave her (and get stabbed the next day). On the other hand I'm not sure since she seems to be a nice girl, but her evil direct-ness about everything is starting to piss me off so I'm still thinking.

Just had to type this down somewhere. Feel free to comment. And yes, I'm serious.
Get out. Get out now, while you still have a chance.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
You have always a chance. And don't get worried there are many hot girls out there.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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War_Hero: I was, actually, taking that into consideration.

NutHug: Mh. I think I'll just try it with her, even though I am taking the risk that she'll be eating me alive!

Last edited by Galrath; Jan 20, 2009 at 05:44 PM.
Girls do this kinda thing to cover for their own insecurities or simply to test how far they can push you.
Maybe you should tell her you dont really like it when she says stuff like
''your hair looks ugly '' If she realises it actually upsets you she might stop. The fact you are replying with something funny when she does it is probably making her think its ok to act like that when its not.
Im a girl and I do this some times but if Skulfuk points out that I'm being a bitch I usually say sorry and stop.
As Nuthug says though there are lots of hot girls out there so if she doesnt stop just get out of it, no one should feel like shit in a relationship or be treated bad.
Go check my myspace
DrTre I have just as much right to put my opinion on here as any one. I was trying to give him sensible advise to a problem he has. He's 17 and quite capable of making up his own mind plus he actually seems to like her he just doesn't like the way she behaves some times.
Go check my myspace
SkulsChick: Thanks for the tips, even though I honestly must say I'm not really looking for an advice since I will end up doing whatever I feel like anyways. (That's also why this thread is in rapid threads and not discussion)

I appreciate your comment and your serious-ness though, thanks!

DrTre: With the mac-10 on the side of my hip.
Hmmm.... maybe just drop her off at the point she irretates you.... hmmm... but then again, you can allways turn her around.... hmmm..... maybe you should stay and see for, like, a month? Who knows, it has jsut been two weeks for you. Not that I speak of experiance.
Sigma | Gata
Lost pet looking for home
Not that I speak of experiance.

Nor do you speak with adequate spelling.
Ich liebe zu kommen Bauch reibt <3 Kann ich einen bauch haben reiben? :3 Reiben Sie Meinen Bauch. >:D Nao.
<Drakea> My ass can reflect bullets and lazers.
<SokuTofu> My boobs reach the moon
<SokuTofu> OWAIT