Original Post
Hello toribash guess who this is.........Huhjosh123 & Rawrcloudz anywayz hanz0 thinks he can get rid of me well he can't cause i will keep changing my ip LOL xD BAHHAHAHAH (btw i changed my ip) i have been useing this account for a week and see if hanz0 would notice but guess Not hmmmm what a loser =D i just want to say this cause U WILL NEVER GET RID OF ME =D (bleep) U HANZ0 =D (bleep)ING DICKHEAD (bleep) YOU WOOOOO



p.s u will neva get rid of me =DDDDD

(User was permabanned for this post (Hi.))
Last edited by suomynona; Jan 19, 2009 at 03:59 AM.
Funny how you think I, uh. What is that verb?

oh no he can create alternate accounts and play for a while without me noticing
whatever shall i do

Hey. Pull your head out of your own ass for a second and see if you understand this: You're not a major problem. At all.
It probably kills your massively overinflated ego to learn this, but at most, you're a minor nuisance. Did you honestly think I was checking your IP every day to make sure you hadn't created a new account? Did you honestly think I cared that much?

Try thinking about it. Not too hard. The rest of the moderators and I have many more pressing matters than dealing with the so-called "trolling" of some twelve year-old who can't get over the fact that he got banned, and is getting "revenge" by creating alternate accounts and posting (to be completely honest) pathetic threads that reflect badly on the human race. Maybe you're used to getting all the attention that you desire from your mother, but this is reality. Get used to it.

Oh, by the way. I find it (bleep)in' hilarious that you made a complete about-face and offered to publicly apologize as soon as we followed through and banned you the first time. Let's see the transition...

We went from:
"Hey hanzo you are the biggest dick [insert some more generic and poorly thought out insults here] I HATE UR GUTS (That's my favorite part)"

"Hanz0 if i sorry PUBLICLY Would that drop the ban by a couple of days"


EDIT: By the way, SkulsChick is still awaiting that mean PM from you, for calling you a retard.
Last edited by hanz0; Jan 19, 2009 at 05:24 AM.

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