Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
official clan server
well it came to me a couple of days ago that all the toibash clans seem to have their own server.
So i thought to myself, well why not elect someone(not me .. I dunno how to make one.. well i do but i can't manage it)to make the official caln server...

Buyakia i need ur authorization of course but i just seem to get kicke out of a lot of servers...
So what your saying is, a server like if you go into Multi Player and hit 'C'? Most of the clan people, say Judgment made one. All it's used for is 1. To recruit people 2. So they're clan mates could just chill for a bit. For us to do that, I guess you want it to always be running, We would have to have someone always be on or else it will close. When ever I make a room I just name it SFST so my clan mates know I'm there.
Want to join a sexy clan? Join SFST! http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=54766
isnt ther a way to keep the server up and running, like the one made by the toribash ppl?
im mean... sharks server always seems to be on
that is because shark has alot of members who play all the time so they always have a server
ima crusin for a bruisn
dude..... Can we research before we post please, its getting more and more embarrassing to read these type of threads in our clan forums. anyway yea... Hit c name it SFST there's Ur authorization...

Masterj05h Shop So cheap id have to be stupid to sell it like this... wait a seco-
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