Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
The torishop is weird... does anybody know what the Tori lighter is and what the purpose of a 15k tc pack of cigarettes is? And Typhon is a super fail color because it looks, to me, exactly like Pharos O_o And now they have like a million new colors like beetle and plasma, anybody have any idea what these look like? If so you should tell me because all they have is a little icon where the color should be..
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I'm going to guess that all these new colors and new additions is an attempt by toribash to make money. Seeing as how most the stuff in Torishop cost thousands of TC's, it would take forever to get enough TC's to buy pretty much anything. So they allow you to buy TC's with real money and buy boosters with real money to be able to have enough TC's to buy any of the shit from the Torishop. This is why when I started playing Toribash I won enough games to guy the orc shit then I stuck with it and I give any TC's I may win away. Hmmmm I smell a scheme that all you havn't spotted yet...
First,Pharos insnt super fail color,
coz peoples like it yet...
Then,the designer of this game should get money for himself.He tried to designe this game,and now this isnt good reason for be a cruelman.
anyway,I think he is getting real money coz he is clever not a thief
loyal co leader of SFST
Very true. He should get paid for putting time and effort into creating the game. And a good one at that. But I just think the prices of the of the items are sort of ridiculous.
Kay, Welcome to the internet and all of its wonders. hello im josh and ill be ur guide today through the wonder of internet games and promotions.
Most online games have normal play and its fun but then they also show promotions that are attainable but very hard to do, Buying a booster allows you to get tc fast and thats this promotion. in another case runescape allows you to get a better character and do more actions, Mostly in any online game thats serious about its self There will be normal play and then a better version of the game or a upper hand for a price. you do not need to buy a booster, there is no scheme, this is all normal Shit u see everyday. All Toribash is doing is allowing you to get better tc if they were a thiefs u would have identity fraud every time u suscribe for a booster. You can also get tc by making textures and other services so u cannot say its impossible to play this game without a booster.

So good day and i hope u enjoyed my painfully obvious guide of wtf people are doing and why ur consperisies are fail

(fuck i wish i had my firefox- auto spell check)

Less then 10 hours till my ban is up