Original Post
ok we got all of the members i want atm so we are now done recruiting
and i think we might challenge evil to a clan war
ima crusin for a bruisn
now then for anyone who cares the invite system is going to go like this. if a player gets approval by me, kjhg53, and Neon10tt. then the person will be tested by all three of us and they have to win every fight and it is 2 fights per person. any questions feel free to pm me
ima crusin for a bruisn
Thats to easy... i might quit the clan and ask to rejoin to prove my point.... Might Depends if i feel cocky enough or wut

Also its a pretty good idea so that noobs wont even think about joining us one they see the requirements also at what rank will u become a Recruiter? cause i think i would make good use of that position should i ever reached the un specfied rank, to which i hope you specify... SOON, and i dont think it should be a easy to get to rank or the requirement should be Extremely Hard like vs all members of the clan 1 time and win and then should u fail u need to wait a week to even attempt this again... just throwing some ideas out
*cues flashback* *Masterj05h losee for the umpthithen time to get his rank* *ends flashback* OK buya I dig...
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i was having a fucking off day i told you that! besides i beat u the first time so i would of have u out of the way to become recruiter if my idea were to be in motion. So SHHHH |~_~|, anywho ill destroy u kj i promise i will on another note my ban ends in 2 days and 10 hours