Original Post
This is Powelly, I'm banned because...
Originally Posted by Powa1337 View Post
I'm banned because of an Infraction overdose, so chac said. So I got all (bleep)head like and egged him on to ban me.

Originally it was 15 days after they could'nt perma ban me (Apparently I have ban imunity from smods, at one point I had like 45 Infraction points and no ban, I had so many because Chac couldn't do it properly or something. 20 = perma ban :/ ).

So I think Kai actually did the honours and Perma banned me cuz i apparently asked for it when I actually said I deserve it because Chac said I deserved it, hopefully if I compremise, I can get that 15 day bullshit back, or get unbanned which I doubt , I'll be back, somehow hopfully.



You have been banned for the following reason:
You request to be permabanned has been achnowledged

Date the ban will be lifted: Never

I didn't request (bleep) all.

I should be back in 21 days.
Last edited by Powa1337; Jan 2, 2009 at 05:18 AM.
rofl hey m8 good your back.

(try not to get yourself banned again.)
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!