Original Post
I'm leaving
I stayed with Freelance to try and help make it active and now that the merger is done I feel like you guys don't need me anymore. Sorry, no hard feelings.
I can't think of anything more insensitive that what Xion said.

Anything I can say to persuade you to stay? Pur-lease?
Echomarine 4 the win
Naw. I had a good run, but there's no place for this wandering cowboy in Corrupted Ancients.
ok, Xion, we'll let you in, after all, you backstabbed us in DD to join Hunters, than you don't even care that DrTre is leaving, perfect qualities for you to join us.[/sarcasm]

Gtfo Xion, and DrTre, are you sure you have to go? I can't thinky of a better place for a wandering cow boy to stay but with corrupted ancients.
Sorry, the main reason I stayed with Freelance was that I wanted to help it get active again, and now it is so I'm out. It was good while it lasted.
too bad your leaving... we had sorry cross that have a great friendship...

Have a good life xD

Cya on msn atleast
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!