Original Post
It Has To Happen
Hey guys, i know i havnt been in scream long but i think its time for me to move on.
Everybody seems so be quitting scream so im sure you wont be surprised with another.
It was fun for a while, you guys are cool but i think some of you can do better. I wish there were more people active on the forums to get this clan on track, but it hasnt seemed to happen and that is a pain.
So just to make it official, i am out of scream.
Just because i am leaving the clan doesnt mean i dont like the people in the clan and hope we can remain friends after this. See you all and good luck with Scream, i wish you all the best.

This will probably not get replied to or even read, inactivity is a bitch right?
Guess what the mod who's not even in the clan's on more then most I don't post but hey I do my job. You have been taken off the clan roster.
omfg every1 is leaving me! next thing u no i will goes next :O! i hope this clan gets back on track at least we still got spree