Original Post
sry guys sooo sry
look greatone i dont know if i got kikd or not but ic ouldnt com in the fourms cuz ther were a cable porblem in whole egypt and the intrnet desconnected but now it came bak soo i promise ill try to post everyday i repeat ill try cuz i might go stay with my sis for like a week in the vaction of the first term sooo again ill try and if i were kikd could u plz get me bak? or ill kill maself like this *b loodymess**blo odymess**blood ymess**bloodym ess**bloodymes s*
for a second there i thought we were bout to lose another member,well im relieved to know that were not =]
º7th Dan Black Beltº
ºJoin my fan club!º
(゚、 。 7
 l、 ~ヽ(
 じしf_ )ノ

WHEW i was soo afraid to be kikd out man thank god and btw COOOOOL
i am still in scream and i am gonna scream til the mornin lolz
good that u didnt lose me guys