Original Post
Where do I apply for admin
I would like to become an admin but I don't know where I would find that.
AFAIK you can not apply for admin, they are part of the nabi studios staff, but there are other important groups that normal players can apply for, but remember it's not a easy task and you must have much experience and competence:


This link shows all the staff groups available. You can PM one member of the group you want to apply for more information. My suggestion is that before you try to apply for any moderation role, learn more about the forums, help new players here and in-game, post more (but never useless posts or spams), etc.
Originally Posted by Toriality View Post
they are part of the nabi studios staff.

Incorrect. Admin is a totally seperate thing from Nabi.

It's not often that applications to admin are required, since most leads have a successor in mind prior to resigning. But it does happen sometimes.

Originally Posted by Toriality View Post
there are other important groups that normal players can apply for, but remember it's not a easy task and you must have much experience and competence:


This link shows all the staff groups available. You can PM one member of the group you want to apply for more information. My suggestion is that before you try to apply for any moderation role, learn more about the forums, help new players here and in-game, post more (but never useless posts or spams), etc.

All of this is right.
I'd say try learn about the role before you go messaging people though.