Original Post
your stuff with 210k
Balance approx.: 166k
Buying your stuff.
TC only, you always offer first.
Might ignore "my deac" and the like.
Last edited by ruby; Jan 5, 2020 at 05:08 AM.
Hidden Blade - 5k
Kitsune Mask - 10k
Neon Pauldrens L - 25k
Ninja Claw L wrist & hand - 7k for both
Ninja Socks L&R ankle - 7k for both
Drake Hand L - 5k
Christmas Tree - 15k Head Stars - 40k
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"

sending for hidden blade, ninja socks, ninja claws

7k for kitsune mask
30k for head stars
not overly interested in the others

send if deal!
Originally Posted by ruby View Post

30k for head stars

oof as of right now there priced around 90k i really dont wanna go lower then 40k. or i could ill give you the option to purchase the rest of it for 70k
Last edited by Posiden; Jan 5, 2020 at 12:55 PM.
NF- "You don't like me? that makes two of us"