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[Tribe]Erth- can you join tribe

static is half a person

Genosyde is spastic
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headbutt gang.rpl (260.9 KB, 54 views)
Last edited by Static; Mar 7, 2019 at 11:32 PM.
now you know how I feel, I spend up to 10 hours on a replay and don't
get 10 views. People post but getting feedback isnt ez.

I just watched it, wow thats pretty original.
I like it a lot, when you spin with the leg that looks great.
The last 2 hits you could totally do more damage and get
more power in your hits. Practice boom hits and learn the areas
to hit for maximum amount of destruction.

I learned by watching a pros replay and editing/observing the frame before
the dismember.
Last edited by Boaplitas; Sep 11, 2018 at 12:34 AM.
thanks for the feedback
yea i could totally make the last hits better but i dont really care enough to do that lol, im not really playing to be the best at dms ever because i dont care enough, i mean i could spend countless hours on the replay and get consistent 7's but i cant be bothered doing that
but yea thx i'll keep it in mind man
hey this style is very unique, you have some great stuff going on here

there is no super insane execution in this replay but the way you do dms is so fun that everything just looks wonderful. You should keep posting more
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
Need help? PM me! Reach me on Discord: Lionet#1325

Watch my Replays!


i like the opener in this one, cool grab manip
with a bit of refining you could've gotten both hips in the first kick
second kick is fine, but you immediately relaxed the knee after and then extended it a few frames later, minor stuff like this affects the replay a lot
nice job with what you did to dm both wrists
i don't really like the rest after, the skeets don't look stylish enough to justify them being in the replay
Holy fuck-balls you are insane!
That was fucking epic i fucking love that grab manip.
Booms was a bit underwhelming but still outstanding.
This was just wow.
I mean the skeets were meh. Thats the only thing i see thats bad.