Original Post
So a friend of mine
is super into One Punch Man. the manga, the anime in dubbed and subbed. I'm pretty sure he could quote the show by heart if you just gave him a chapter or the episode number and let him do it.

I told him i never really enjoyed the series, i didn't *dislike* it. But it never really was interesting to me, probably because i didn't enjoy the overplay of the "invincible hero being thick as two short planks" trope to the point where the whole point was watching cool things happen until he kills the bad guy extravagantly.

am i in the minority with this? cause the way he went off at me when i voiced this opinion/thought process was so explosive you'd think i'd done something akin to sacrificing a goat on his carpet and that of course everyone else would react the same way to such idiocy.

let me know
I'd say it was a good anime, because it makes fun of the dragonball style bs where the main dude just gets more and more powerful with more and more ridiculous hair. In one punch man dude starts out invincible, and bald. His quest isn't too become THE BEST LIKE NOONE EVER WAS or THE PIRATE KING or STRONG ENOUGH TO CATCH THE DRAGONBALLS. It's the same as the quest the everyday man has, to live one day at a time and just fuck it do what I can, maybe become rich and famous if possible thats it. It's excellent in portraying that while mocking those other animes.
Personally I didn’t like it all that much either, the plot felt bland and so did the characters. I can see the appeal it may have to others, Saitama definitely has some cool moments. However, overall it wasn’t something that kept me engaged. The fights weren’t all that special either (from what I remember), mostly one-sided. It was an okay anime, fairly entertaining at times but not something I’d watch twice.
I got bored after about 5 or 6 episodes. It parodies something that I don't really watch so I couldn't appreciate it properly I guess?
It was funny, but almost all of the laughs come from just the premise, and once that's run it's course I found myself just glazing over.

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
i understand that a good chunk of people don't really like one punch man for it's almost non-existent plot, the fights are just meaningless untill the last one, in the other hand what is holding the anime just the exaguration (dunno how to spell it) in the fighting scenes, i mainly like one punch man only because of that but yeah, its not near the best on my list.

in short: people who don't like one punch man are those who focus more on the story and people who liked it just liked it because of the fighting scenes.
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
it's fun, unique and the animation is outstanding. the fighting scenes are sex
great opening too
Last edited by basic; Aug 26, 2018 at 06:21 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
It's a good anime if you aren't looking for a strong story, just some badass fight scenes. All episodes contain at least some kind of action and it's typically turned up to 11.
The art style and animation quality are top notch and make the fights a million times better.
Originally Posted by sirkill1 View Post
I'd say it was a good anime, because it makes fun of the dragonball style bs where the main dude just gets more and more powerful with more and more ridiculous hair. In one punch man dude starts out invincible, and bald. His quest isn't too become THE BEST LIKE NOONE EVER WAS or THE PIRATE KING or STRONG ENOUGH TO CATCH THE DRAGONBALLS. It's the same as the quest the everyday man has, to live one day at a time and just fuck it do what I can, maybe become rich and famous if possible thats it. It's excellent in portraying that while mocking those other animes.

Fair enough.

Originally Posted by basic View Post
it's fun, unique and the animation is outstanding. the fighting scenes are sex
great opening too

Yeah, the animation is great. But my semi fades quickly when things are clealry (and i get it's done on purpose and that's the point) going to end one specific way no matter how cool the villians vs hero scene looks.