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Mentor proposal.
I was thinking... the mentor and test joining thingie is pretty wierd... since you cant b tested before your 2nd dan even if your great fighter as a brown belt... and this clan isnt about great fighters afterall... if we say that you test a person... (or 2 guys test 1 or somethin) then if it is his fighting skills that pulls him down he/she can ask for a mentor.

I say we lower the joining to atleast black or maby brown... whatcha think (this doesnt meen that the clan will be filled with noobs... they still gotta make a test and if personallity and such is good and he has a good fighting style we make him a poll...

whatcha think?
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
I know I'm not a full member of Freelance but I have to agree. There are lots of good fighters in Black and I think you should be allowed to at least do the trial thing at black belt. I mean if they pass the test, they must be good, amirite?
Personally, I don't think there should be a belt limit at all. If they're good enough they should be allowed in.
Mhm, Black Belt.

And if there like the mega 1337zorz saucey mayo, and under black belt they should just be a member, even tho its not all about skill. I don't think we should rank members on belts etc.

I think we should rank the clan list by People in power going on what they have done for the clan and how long we have been in.


1: Loje - Clan leader.
2: Reddevil: - Co leader.

etc etc.

and have a separate Belts and dans thread.