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Favorite/Best Update Of Toribash
What is your favorite update in Toribash?
I can't personally say what mine is exactly. Although 4.7 comes to mind in particular.
Although I can't quite put my finger on my favorite update. SO for now I am saying 4.7.
5.0 to me just didn't bring all that I was expecting so imma stick with 4.7.
I am curious to know your guys' favorites.
Eh, can't really remember the number, maybe around 3.5, in late 2008 or somewhen in 2009. It was the update that introduced new non-shaders visuals. I had a shitty laptop back then so playing with shaders was not an option if I wanted to have a stable FPS count. Felt like a decent step forward back then. No other change made such an impact for me. Things like ray tracing, revamped in-game shop, flames, 3D items, etc etc, all that other stuff, never lived up to my expectations, or, to phrase it differently, to my hopes for the deeper and more drastic changes of the game itself/its engine.

It may be nostalgia talking, but I have generally fond memories of updates from that time, coming with codenames, new colors, new packs, booster promotions and all that. I remember stacking as many 50tc booster as I could afford via mobile and playing hundreds of games, especially in judo, since it was so fast, to gain tc for a head texture first, then for a whole set, trails, better joints, better textures and so it went. Funny, I remember it took me maybe 4 months to reach 4th dan, then I switched to wushu and generally no grab mods so the progress slowed down. Still, it took me maybe a year to get to 10th dan, another one to get Master aaaand, with my enthusiasm for the game decreasing and life knocking on the door, another 4 years to get last 5k games for a custom.

Good times. Salute to all the guys that disappeared over the years, I'm sometimes wondering what they're up to nowadays.

Sorry for the blogpost, just suddenly felt like going down a memory lane a bit :^)
2.6 When lua scripting was introduced along with sm and am functions

3.0 when shaders and many other things were introduced.

3.3 when we had actual borderlands style cell shading, anaglyph and motionblur working. and mod maker with 3d objects

Why did they take away cell shading??

Last edited by tertywerty; Oct 9, 2017 at 02:33 PM.
Originally Posted by tertywerty View Post
2.5 When lua scripting was introduced along with sm and am functions

3.0 when shaders and many other things were introduced.

3.3 when we had actual borderlands style cell shading, anaglyph and motionblur working. and mod maker with 3d objects

Why did they take away cell shading??

I agree on 3.0 actually. It really introduced everything we know and love today. Also, they took away cell shading because it made it looked very graphically incorrect especially on max graphic settings.
As the graphics improved cell shading was taken away.
Now you can buy cell shading as an item.
I started here around 4.8 and 4.9 (march of 2015) and i liked 4.95 the best and i wanna redownload that version for standalone but i could never find the link, idk i thought it was pretty good. I dont like 5.0 and up tho
3.98 was my favorite update. It's about the time I cared about things like updates. The game was so much more hyped then.
I heard there was a version in which you could fight 2vs1 or 2vs2
would like have played it, although I am so long in this community.. its not long enough
to wait for a update where we get back some good of the roots!
Enjoint life
Originally Posted by Smaiva View Post
I heard there was a version in which you could fight 2vs1 or 2vs2
would like have played it, although I am so long in this community.. its not long enough
to wait for a update where we get back some good of the roots!

The update you are referring to is 3.72. It had 3v1 situations, but it was not like a full game mode or whatever.
You had to go into notepad and edit some stuff to get the 4 players
Originally Posted by Lost View Post
The update you are referring to is 3.72. It had 3v1 situations, but it was not like a full game mode or whatever.
You had to go into notepad and edit some stuff to get the 4 players

That is true. hampa did a test server for 4 player and he had to edit the server with a custom command for it to run. when we played it was extremely laggy
Yeah I beleive you can download 3.72 and make a replay that people can watch in the current version.
Although now people just make multi uke replays by teleporting uke. I have never truly tested the 4 player thing.
I have tested it but I don't know if you can watch a 4 player replay in the current version of TB.
It is worth a try, I encourage someone to try it (hint hint nudge nudge).
Overall that was a pretty sick feature in toribash. Too bad it was taken away