Original Post
why does avwave have a skull and why is ishi a legend
why does avwave have a skull

why is ishi a legend for real
e: i genuinely thought this was wibbles

avwave probably wanted a skull, i don't know about that one

ishi is a mega oldschool player who did a lot of cool stuff for the game iirc
Last edited by Kahn; May 28, 2017 at 09:36 PM.

Avwave's skull is his legend item, every legend can get a custom item made for them, he got a skull.

ishi is legend because he's been an important staff member for very long, next to that he's just someone everybody like for some reason.
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Avwave is legend for: Elite artist and expert admin. Also did some neat forum dev work.

You can find it all here:

And my avatar and sigpic are the original sketches for avatar's lion turtle btw
Rapid Threads Lmod.
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