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Voice chat
So, voice chat is not oftenly (and I could even say not at all) used, and I was using it quite alot., but nobody seems to hear me. I am just asking a simple question: Is the voice chat useless? If not, then how does nobody hear me?
Heya! :D Name's XFyterX, but you can call me Fyter for short.
The voice chat still works no doubt about that, so no worries there.
However I'm sure just like me most of the toribash community has voice chat turned off in there settings as many voice chat applications like Discord just do a better job.

But of you are trying to specifically talk to a friend you always talk to ingame just have him m turn on voice chat as I believe the setting defaults to off.
[JollyR] [Ct] |Event Squad| (Au) [xp]
Pill || Calamity || Dropkick || Jere
Practically everyone will have it disabled on their end because voice chat is annoying.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Sunther View Post
I didn't even know voice chat existed
Is it ingame?

Yes it is in fact in game, I forget the key you hit to use it but I'm sure you can find it in the settings.
[JollyR] [Ct] |Event Squad| (Au) [xp]
Pill || Calamity || Dropkick || Jere
Originally Posted by XFyterX View Post
So, voice chat is not oftenly (and I could even say not at all) used, and I was using it quite alot., but nobody seems to hear me. I am just asking a simple question: Is the voice chat useless? If not, then how does nobody hear me?

The voice chat does work, but most people just have it disabled because it's just annoying sometimes, and since Discord is now a thing, I guess you can move over to that, join the Toribash Community server and talk to people in voice chat in there.