Original Post
Can't move in multiplayer
Well, I have this problem whenever I try to play in multiplayer.
At the start of the match the camera moves from the blue tori to the red as if I was that player, not letting me control my character but zooming out instead.
If I click really fast I can extend or contract parts, but not like I can really control it... So I have not been able to play in multiplayer since the last patch.

EDIT: Oh, and I haven't been able to play in fullscreen since I can't remember when, the game just closes when I select the option.
Last edited by Cronirion; May 4, 2017 at 03:44 AM.
This happened to me in matchmaking, but not in all multiplayer. try re-installing the game if you haven't already, or if you're on steam try downloading the game seperately on the Toribash website. I can't guarentee these will work, just some ideas
Yeah your best option at this point is probably to download a bit older standalone version, it should solve these issues. If you really need to play it on steam for some reason try re-installing it, and if that doesn't help let me know.