Original Post
Promote AxelsXD to full Member?
since when do we promote people without asking anyone else?

is this a free for all now? he hasnt even been in aeon for 4 weeks

also he has barely engaged with anyone besides cobra. he never talks on the discord and only plays on betting servers. i was pretty far from promoting him, but i guess it doesn't matter nowadays does it

can you not turn this clan into WAPOW please?!


All in favor of Axels being promoted to fulll member pls post yay

all against or undecided please post nay

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Last edited by Chirs; Mar 21, 2017 at 01:01 PM.
It seems like we've gotten a lot more lazy lately with applications. I haven't seen a post in the elite board about any of the applications we've gotten far, and many of our recent members have been approved without any discussion, at least none that I was privy too. While this has led to a large influx of members, I believe it has dissolved the responsibilities of the elite members.

I propose we set a strict timeline for applications that we get in the future. A response should be guaranteed to all applicants within 5 days of a submission.

The first person to see an application should make a thread in the aeon elite board, with a poll. After 5 days, or when yes's or no's make up a majority, whichever comes first, they should be given a response through private message.

If they are accepted: lock the thread until their trial period (one month) has finished, and re-open their application thread after to discuss their promotion to full member, after they make their thread in the public board.

If they are denied: toss their application into the application dump thread.

If a majority of the votes are apathetic: deny them

Once the discussion on their promotion has finished, merge their application thread with the application dump thread.

Feel free to comment on any changes you feel should be made.
the thing is we didnt get lazy
it was cobras idea he was like "lets just get rid of the application process and just invite people"

nobody besides me and cobra and animal really knew, sorry

the current idea was that new applicants make a thread after/before being invited and then we give them trial

but we were still supposed to have a discussion about promoting people..
I am sorry for causing this trouble i was only thinking he is realy ingame active and shares the clans tag all day. I took it easy and thought he is about 2 weeks in and wears our tag in honor in activity ingame. Didnt know about the applicant guidelines since i was no elder before. I apologize for this issue and hope you forgive me brothers i didnt intend to break any of our rules, as you know i love our aeon family and just want to make it grow a bit so we get some ingame brothers growing and maybe that motivates our elders too. Forgive a brother?
well i mean we're not perfect, just keep it in mind for the future

while we're here, lets turn this into axels promotion discussion then

All in favor of Axels being promoted to fulll member pls post yay

all against or undecided please post nay

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Last edited by Chirs; Mar 21, 2017 at 01:00 PM.
well this is allready done in my point of view next time we all will work it out together

so yay

@Cobra pls speed down a lil bit and follow what Chirs and I told you about taking action.

@Chirs you have to chill too. I told you I'll handle today as i wnt offline yesterday. ^^

so all love and peace just make sure to slow down a bit and stuff
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