Original Post
(EXT) Exterminate
S T O R Y :


C L A N G O A L S :

{ } Have 5 members
{ } Have 10 members
{ } Have 15+ members
{ } Get rank 150
{ } Make a clan logo

There is no bank for this clan (yet), but I might make one some time in the future.

I really had nothing better to do, so I made this clan! If you want to join, just ask and you'll (probably) be accepted, there are no real restrictions. But, if you could post a few replays of you, that would be greatly appreciated. If I don't respond for a while, it's probably because I'm busy. Just please, don't spam or mock someone in this thread!
- Killer0205
Last edited by Killer0205; Mar 16, 2017 at 11:58 PM.
Hey there !
Your dsc is missing some things, if you dont update them in 7 days your clan will be closed
  1. A clan story or description.
  2. Aims, goals, and inner-clan guidelines
  3. If you have a clan bank you must state all users that have access to the account as well as the account's name. If you don't have a bank then you may ignore this rule.

Find the hidden shovel and uncover the secrets of my religion.

10:17 PM <~Creati0n> GAS THE DUELERS
6:35 PM <&Fear> good job reta you are now the King Admin
6:35 PM <Typhon> Gj Reta god