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R.I.P. dog?
After year or two of inactivity,i found out im possessing item named R.I.P. dog,which was sent to me while i was inactive. Anyone mind telling me about this item?
You received it for being in TGS at the time it was won by them.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

It is my own Legend item that was designed to remember beloved pets that God took to early

Take it with respect Walter o/
Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
You received it for being in TGS at the time it was won by them.

Won by them? In what? It was sent to me on my birthday,which i found a bit odd
Originally Posted by Jaker View Post
It is my own Legend item that was designed to remember beloved pets that God took to early

Take it with respect Walter o/

As Jaker said it's his legend item. I dont believe TGS won anything for it.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
Originally Posted by Jaker View Post
It is my own Legend item that was designed to remember beloved pets that God took to early

Take it with respect Walter o/

Doggos are love,doggos are life