Original Post
Any tips from preventing DMs?
I know this is probably the wrong place to post this so please move this to the correct one if this is indeed the wrong section, I can't find the right place to post this so I apologize.

Anyways, I have been having problems with my limbs in Toribash lately, They have been dismembering QUITE often, I was in a 1k tourney and I had my opener prepared and when the first turn finished we were off to the second turn, I proceeded to move my joints and I was about to hit the dude in the midsection with my leg then the second turn came and well...what happened? my leg ripped off clean and I lost 2 turns later, I thought to myself "Why did it break off?" Was it his opener? no he was performing a noob clap and was preparing for a lift so it couldn't have been that, was it the speed of my kick? well my kick had regular speed about the same speed as your Tori's arm moving when you contract your pec so it couldn't have been that either, we were playing on Greykido and it's very similar to Aikido so I'm assuming it's just as hard to dismember a large limb like a leg with a noob clap and that begs the question how did it break off? next match after that i performed another snapkick and in a few turns my wrist broke off and completely screwed me over, I didn't really mind it until I joined another server and I was fighting this White Belt who COMPLETELY broke off 2 of my arms with just a noob clap, yes... JUST A NOOB CLAP! my opener was a noob clap as well but my body was turning to the right and i had my wrists contracted...this is what made want to quit the game altogether... I noticed that most of my matches I had had either my arms or wrists cut off....I'm asking you guys how do I prevent dismemberment I really need to know because this really is bothering me and I can't play properly.

Again I apologize if this is the wrong section I just can't find the right section , you can move this section if you want.

Also slight error on the name of the thread
Last edited by Sparturnha; Jan 2, 2017 at 05:04 AM.

(HvC)Havoc Clan Page

well uh, git gud? maybe try to not have the limb going too fast or have it stiff maybe relax the joints a lil?

What Koenaw said would probably be helpful about relaxing joints. Relaxing joints usually takes off some of the pressure and makes it harder for the joints to DM. So if you see one of your joints under a lot of pressure and stress or a strike that can potential DM you such as a snap kick, try relaxing the joints that will take the most force and that will lower the chance of those joints DMing. Kind of hard to say, maybe post replays of some of these DMs so we can see where the problem lies?
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Seems that most of the replies have something to do with relaxing, I only ever really move my joints when I need them so when I'm not using them they stay relaxed, but sometimes I make every joint in my Tori do something maybe that's part of the problem, anyways thanks for the tips and if you're looking for examples of me being DMed they will be posted here idk when though I'll try to fit that in my schedule.

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(HvC)Havoc Clan Page

Try to prevent your opponent from grabbing your joints, that way pecs and wrists break pretty fast. And when performing a kick, try to hit him with your foot instead of your leg, it'll take a lot more force to dm your leg, or don't snapkick at all.

Also, this is posted in the right place, don't worry.
Rapid Threads Lmod.
Got any questions? Feel free to ask!

stay away from selfgrabbing
relax all during a snapkick
when getting lifted disabled grabs on atleast one of the hands so when you try to counter you dont end up grb trading and fracturing your pec/shoulders.
maybe later
hold the joint getting hit and relax the ones around it

reduces whiplash while still being flexible

dont get grabbed on your joints ever
basically what everyone already posted is right(about relaxing), but that dont mean it will be unbreakable.
If you see some snapkick/slap/punch that is going to ghost on you incoming, then try to avoid/dodge/get distance betwen the area of the hit and you bodyparts.
if you're too close to them, it might help because barely they can do some heavy-hit(they don't have much space to move, neither you do), however it still possible to dm's sometimes, so beware.

ghosting> when a bodypart gets inside another.
Last edited by victortb; Jan 9, 2017 at 08:17 PM.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592