Original Post
[REL] Japanese Sparring Dojo
Greetings and salutations toribashers!

I haven't been working on any mods lately and even when I was I lost the determination to finish them.
But after a while I decided to make a new sparring mod, and this was the result.

Japanese Dojo
• Perfect for Spar and/or MAS
• -30 Gravity
• No Fracture
• No DQ (not that it's necessary)
• No Dismemberment
• 1500 Matchframes
• 10 Turnframes



Thanks for checking out the mod
I also intend to work on it more and polish it up or whatever.
Attached Files
bloodmod_xspar_dojo_v1.tbm (14.4 KB, 65 views)
Last edited by Azazel; Dec 19, 2016 at 10:53 PM.
Former [AS] Co-Leader (Two times), Former [eVo] member, Current [TANG] member <3
I've never seen that mod before xD.
Former [AS] Co-Leader (Two times), Former [eVo] member, Current [TANG] member <3
looks minimalistic and cool. Continue your work with more objects and everything is gonna be cool
Really nice estethic looking mod, as jisse said it reminded me a shitload of that older mod.

Nice job anywho

Did a replay with Fred on it aswell
Attached Files
#FreX - FiskGryta.rpl (489.4 KB, 10 views)
Jun 2, 2023 - .best. day. ever.