Original Post
Connection issues
K, so this has been happening for a while now, since 3.2 or 3.3
normally i can only connect at night(like after 8pm) and during the day, if i try to join a server, it enters, but sits there like im lagging, characters dont load and all taht rubbish
every now and then it connects and the characters load, but when the turns end, it happens again and it seems i lag out
BUT i dont NORMALLY get any issues at night

anyone with any ideas and solutions?
preferably step by step instructions as to how to fix it...
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Are you using a wirless router? Rather, whats your connection speed like?
I assume you have tried re-installing and updating drivers.
I guess it's a hardware problem, something to do with your connection speed anyway. I may be wrong. But I dont have any other ideas as to what it could be.
Last edited by OldBean; Nov 2, 2008 at 08:11 PM.
Echomarine 4 the win
iv been playing tori since 2.1 the issue has only started since 3.2 or something, so its not a connection issue
it just started randomly one day

Im using 384k internet(South African internet fails i know) which is enough for tori
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
It occasionally happens to me (in the UK with a 2048/250 connection) when the server's are heaving with people.

I'm guessing it's a timeout issue when things get busy.
Last edited by SkulFuk; Nov 3, 2008 at 09:10 AM.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you