Original Post
[S] Ancient Tribal Set

Artist: Skorban
Previous Owner: None
Size: 512x512
Recolor: Yes (Not all colors)

Originally Posted by Market Rules
A) Using copyrighted work without proven owner consent is plagiarism and is strictly forbidden.
.....I) 'Copyrighted work' here means any work or creation made by someone else - it has its regular meaning.
..........1) These works are automatically subjected to the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike licenseunless explicitly stated otherwise.
..........2) If you use other artists' work in your own productions then you must adhere to any license, conditions, or specifications they list (or if none are listed then follow the license in clause A.I.1 above).
.....II) Free textures or textures released openly to the community may not be sold.

Most of these textures are google images slightly or not modified at all.
This is considered plagiarism, continuing to attempt to sell plagiarized sets will result in no less than a 1 month ban.

Thread closed.
[SmallBowl] [fallu] [Moop] [Parrot] [SkulFuk] [Icky] [Sassy]
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