Original Post
Password reminder problem.
Hi all, not sure if this goes here but oh well.

I am trying to recover a password for my account StarComet, (I needed to create this account to even do this right now). Well, when I go to the password reminder page, put in my email (which is in fact for my account), it sends the message to my email. So I check there, and nothing is in there. After about 13 times of doing this, I still have no message and I need to recover my account right now.

Please help, thanks.
Check spam email folder.

Maybe you used a different email for the acc or you registered without one.
If you have minions in your avy or sig DO NOT REPLY TO MY POSTS
I had the same issue a few days ago. I just PMed Phail detailing the problem and he fixed the issue. If your spam isn't screening the emails, get ahold of an admin to help you out.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.