Original Post
Just try to learn the Joints of the Body, You have to learn what each of your Joints does and how it affects your current situation.

Theres no real Tutorial on how to get instantly good, just experience.

You may be able to speed the process up if you have someone actively teaching you
There's really no way to get better in this game aside from experience, especially for what you're asking.

If you were asking something like 'how to improve my win% in aikido' I could give you some solid snapkick opens, but for this you're essentially asking 'how can I be good at the game' and the answer is unfortunately experience.

The guys who make the incredible stock replays spent a LONG time getting that good and a LONG time making each replay - if it was easy it wouldn't be special eh?
This game takes at least couple years to get "good" at.

I suggest you start the game out playing mods like Judo, and wushu. to get a basic understanding of your joints.

Then move to higher gravity mods like RK-MMA, Lenshu, and ABD
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.
well for this i would recommend practicing,practicing and practicing
its the only way to get good at this game
also try to watch and read tutorials cuz they would give you a small idea of how joints work
try copying what good players did when they was less skilled and by the time try to do harder stuff till you get the level when you be able to do your own ideas
Aadame:I'm very signaturable
It's just no one usues my shit .
The way I learned was steal other peoples openers.
then I tried spam clicking and trying to get into rough spots then try to get out of them.
eventually you get gud enuf to do it easily
Nomad Moderated Message:
Be more straightforward with your uplifting messages or I'll fucking skin you alive.
Try playing with 3 mouse clicks that way you can cycle through contracting and extending easily.
Im a freaking lamp.
I'd say watch some tutorials on youtube first before doing the tutorial. Wait, no. other way around.
Men are the best cooks! Cus with 2 eggs, 1 sausage and a bit of milk, he could fill a girl's tum for 9 months.