Original Post
[R] Pure Succubus Head Texture
Hello, I am offering up to $30 to anyone who is adept enough to make me this head in perfect detail. I'd like the texture to be similar to what watercolor looks like, orc hair, pure white skin, heart shaped pupils, and a golden tiara. I will not pay at all until 100% satisfied, and will not give in to pressure, so do not attempt to do so. I have no time limit. PM me progress/questions personally, please.

The first image is the sort of art style I'm looking for.

The second image is the closest thing I could find to an accurate representation of what I want my head to look like. Unfortunately not very many images that get remotely close.

I own neither of these images, they are for reference only. Use of these images further than their intent is probably stupid.
Last edited by Grohenbird; Aug 8, 2016 at 12:29 PM.
I think I might be retired.