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Special skills you have, what you like about them, and why you learn them.
Muay Thai
Speaking Russian
I do have more and plan to learn more in the future but I wanna focus on these two.

First Muay Thai, I like Muay Thai because it is unarmed combat, the worst thing that can happen if you carry a gun or knife is that you be disarmed and have your own weapon used against you, in unarmed combat that risk is eliminated.

So Russian, I plan to learn a lot more languages because communication is important, very important.

Many skills I have and want to learn are aimed at survival in our modern world. It isn't like in the past where you worry about bears and wolves and hunting food. In our modern world there are things like guns, criminals & other tough situations. The more skills you have that can assist in tough situations in our modern society the better because those skills are very useful on a wide array of occasions. It's only human nature to learn skills that relate to survival and self-preservation. Thanks for reading.
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I am going through all the UN languages. Next up is Mandarin, then Arabic, then French and finally Spanish.

As for Muay Thai I find it the most useful in a real life situation as it is a purely striking martial art.
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What level do you want to attain in each language? How do you keep up that level while learning more and more?
I think languages are a super valuable thing to learn but as someone who is (only) bilingual I know how hard it is to try to maintain my second language effectively.
For multiple languages, unless I was using all of the languages every day in a work capacity or something of similar magnitude I don't know how I'd find the time to maintain my skills. So I certainly would be interested to hear your plan for how (as a casual learner I assume?) you'll keep up with the languages you know while learning more.
Muay thai is pretty cool, I used to practice it a couple years ago.
I reckon muay thai is one of the most effective martial arts as far as fighting is concerned. I've met people who beat their shins with a rolling pin to kill the nerves so you don't feel pain when you kick stuff :o You can pretty much turn your body into a weapon if you want to, hey.
I always thought it would be cool to mess around with something a bit more "flowy" like maybe capoiera or tai chi as well, but I don't really do that sort of stuff anymore :(

training yourself to be ambidextrous would be pretty neat tho
If you want a martial art for purely fighting, combat Sambo is by far one of your best bets. Fedor Emelianenenko is probably the strongest fighter in recent history and he was a master of sambo. I would recommend looking into that in particular if that is what you're aiming for.
I think I might be retired.
I may but in my country Muay Thai trainers are much easier to come by in top tier gyms. I like the simplicity of Muay Thai. Use your 8 strike points to deal damage to said opponent/threat. It's up to you to figure out your technique of winning. And RAAAGE that sounds too extreme also possibly dangerous.

@Solax I plan to get to an advanced level in all. I have a very good memory and study Russian regularly and plan to have it at an advanced level before learning Mandarin because at that point it's already set in my mind. I actually know 4 languages counting my 2 native languages which are at a fairly advanced level so I have had no troubles so far keeping them up due to my good memory.
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While it's definitely good to know how to kick ass when needed (i.e. assholes looking for a fight), just remember that gun > no gun, at least if the gunman isn't an idiot. Even Bruce Lee alluded to this. :v (though i sincerely hope that none of us will ever have to deal with being at gunpoint)
I rarely find myself in any situations where fights are likely to occur, plus i'd probably just lock up anyhow, so i'm settling for either a disarming personality or a face that's too sinister for people to bother me. Truth is though, i haven't even been close to a fight ever since i left elementary school, and thank goodness for that. >.>

So what CAN i do? UHM, GOOD QUESTION. I guess i'm basically danish/english bilingual, but given how almost every dane knows english, that's hardly special (though i guess i speak it better than average).

One kind-of-special thing is that i can both draw and code, although drawing interests me a lot more than coding (which also reflects in my respective skill levels at both). Even if i still have a lot of unresolved anxiety about drawing, it's still one of the best additions to my life since i first sat at a computer. There's just too many good things about it to list down in one post, but suffice to say, even if i'm in a slump right now, i fully intend to become a magic-tier artist at some point in my life. Even after having made several hundreds of drawings does my brain keep coming up with more or less stupid ideas, and well, if i don't get them out, they clog the system. The fact that some people seem to like these ideas is a great bonus. :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by Shook View Post
suffice to say, even if i'm in a slump right now, i fully intend to become a magic-tier artist at some point in my life.

Those slump feels, i feel them, stuck AF aswell...
The grind and the dream is real.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-

And just to rub it in further, the dream keeps being further away than we think because of the CREATOR'S CURSE(tm). Learned a lot during your last study? CONGRATULATIONS YOU CAN NOW SEE A NEW SET OF MISTAKES YOU'RE MAKING. But hey, i guess it wouldn't be special if anyone could learn to draw perfectly within a few minutes of trying. :v
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol