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Just two question, are you circumcised? What are your thoughts on the matter?

inb4 religious arguments
"Do you explore the unknown or are you afraid of losing your throne?" I am Soon.
Circumcised, don't really know why everybody makes a big deal out of it, it seemed so normal to me growing up and I still think nothing of it

Originally Posted by wibblefox View Post
Genital mutilation of babies is something that civilised society should avoid without a very good reason.

So is dick cheese but each to their own I guess
Originally Posted by desu View Post
Circumcised, don't really know why everybody makes a big deal out of it, it seemed so normal to me growing up and I still think nothing of it

So is dick cheese but each to their own I guess

Normal as in "there are many people that are circumcised" or normal as in "chopping part of a baby's dick off sounds good to me"?

If it's the former, I feel you. If it's the later, then I don't think we have an understanding.

About dick cheese: it's not like you can buy it at the supermarket though.
Yeh yo, just because something is 'normal' doesn't mean that it's right. Owning slaves used to be normal. It's only through questioning the status quo that change happens.

Medical benefits of circumcision are bunk. It's a cultural tradition, that's all. We don't do it because it's good for kids, we do it because 'well, that's just what we do, it's what we've always done'. That sort of reasoning, 'appealing to tradition', is a logical fallacy.
It's weird & in my opinion, completely unnecessary. Who cares about a wee bit of foreskin? Old geezers probably needed some ritual other than dipping people in water that draws blood and make their religion look more bad ass.

I think McDonald buys all that baby foreskin to make into chicken nuggets. Don't eat @ McDonald kids.
Originally Posted by desu View Post
Circumcised, don't really know why everybody makes a big deal out of it, it seemed so normal to me growing up and I still think nothing of it

So is dick cheese but each to their own I guess

don't really know why everybody makes a big deal out of it, it seemed so normal to me growing up

You've never known better, that's really unfortunate

So is dick cheese but each to their own I guess

What is personal hygiene.
ok, I'm going to close this genital talk ;/ Thanks for sharing your thoughts about cutting tips guys.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.