Original Post
[S]Elling Joints!
Hai i wanna sell some joints which are

Chest joint texture,left shoulder,left elbow,left wrist,Left pec

I dont take offers below 20k
Last edited by Deni; Jul 8, 2016 at 09:40 PM.
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
dude i just got an offer for the 4th of them for 20k how u expect that ima sell one for 4k?

no never

And ive made a mistake i have 5 joints i have the left pec joint
Last edited by Deni; Jul 8, 2016 at 09:40 PM.
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
dude its 5 joints its worth for at least 30k cuz im not selling them for 5k cuz i need tc
Ormo | TANG | Tk | RSO
20.5k for all no one will give you a better offer probably because joints literally are worth nowhere near the market price and no one will buy for the market price, i'm sorry but i gave you my final offer first it's just not worth to go 30k for something you will sell and probably get around 18k for :P.