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Most Absolute FAVOURITE Toribash Replay?
Good Day, I was just board while browsing the forums and thought of a general question I've been wanting to make a post about for a while. The question being: What's Your Most Absolute FAVOURITE Toribash Replay? And Why?

So another way of re-phrasing the question to help people understand it more is "If all replays in Toribash were to be permanently deleted and you had the chance to save just one, which one would it be? (Out of all the ones you've ever seen)". I'm not asking you to post your personal 'Best Replay', it's which replay do you like the most from those that you've seen. The purpose of this question is actually to get a sense of different peoples preferences in replays because they are in my view, art. Some may see the good in one while others don't and instead find a particular liking towards a totally different replay based on what attracts them personally to the replay.

This question may seem a little bit unfair - To have to narrow the world of replays down to just one - for a number of reasons. Firstly there're loads of different styles of replay all of which can be of amazing standard in their own way for instance: The most incredible Parkour is hard to compare with the most insane Mad-Man, Or Manipulations and of course Multiplayer. For the purpose of this question I'd like to exclude Multiplayer replays (Unless they're Spars/Parkours/Tricking - You get the idea) because I'm just thinking about The way the replay has been thought up and created. I Might edit this post a little by adding some more explanations and analysis of the question but for now I'll leave it at this.

For those of you that are thinking about this, A maximum of four replays would be suggested if it's too hard to think of just the one but they can all be from the same replay category or that would somewhat be defeating the question. Example of multiple replays would be your favourite Parkour along with your favourite Mad-Man ect. It would be good if you could explain why you find yourself liking them above all others.

I thought it would be interesting for there to be a thread where you can see everyone's favourite replays - Good for the community interaction.

Of course, because I've thought about this for a while I've come up with my answer and I have to say there is one replay that I just love every aspect of. And that is.........Jisse - The unholy remnant.
Attached Files
Jisse - The unholy remnant.rpl (544.1 KB, 72 views)
Last edited by HASSAN; Jul 4, 2016 at 07:32 PM.
*Pulls more tail then a special needs child at the petting zoo*
nice pick, thats probably the most anime replay ever

my favourite replays have changed a bit, i will have to post more than 1 because i don't have an absolute favourite.

i also think it's kind of unfair to limit it to 1 replay per category, since 2 madmans or 2 parkour replays don't necessarily exhibit the same challenges and player skills just because they are under the same umbrella term.

my picks arent particularly complex compared to stuff like Jisse's archery replay or Nuthug and Tsuion's hacked replays, but i enjoy simplicity in replays and working with few tools to make something really cool.

wip 12 is my favourite replay that nobody ever saw, it was posted in the T replay thread by Bisonic and never saw the light of day again. it's my favourite splitcap, the transitions to the split and the decap kick are amazing, and its impossible not to like lightsaber decaps.

hands on the wheel is ridiculous, dude turns ass side to uke and kicks him around incessantly and then does the most bizarre-cool transition to a pose i have ever seen. you cannot argue with this

Broken Hands is my favourite Swexx, and that is saying a lot because Swexx's library could be its own stock folder. it's definitely one of the dudes that everyone loved and talked about, then stopped talking about because everyone already knew how great he is, and now he seems almost underrated because nobody talks about him anymore lol. I was looking through Swexx replays and i can say that most of them would easily pass today for top tier replays.

I definitely have a lot of other replays that i would easily consider my favourites (honorary mentions to Pulse, Larfen, Jisse, internet, Airoblinn, DeeJayy741, and others) but that list would be way too long, plus i am probably forgetting people right now. these 3 are most likely only favourites atm, it will change soon im sure.
Attached Files
wip (12) (1).rpl (124.5 KB, 88 views)
hands on the wheel.rpl (212.1 KB, 63 views)
Swex- Broken Mends.rpl (368.7 KB, 72 views)
oh yeah
Got 2 of them.

First one is BlackHawk by Swexx. This is one of the first parkour replays I ever saw and also the one that has amazed me the most. Everything is in place here. The replay is constantly smooth and he doesn't go out of style a single time. Hell, he even pulls off one of the best balance runs I've ever seen. That with the transition to one of the smoothest kongs I've seen. He then decends down the scaffolding in a quick set of movements to finish up. Truly a masterpiece in my eyes.

Next one is sorry about that by Dezrai. First time I saw this was during one of Larfen's cnc streams back in the day. The reason it is one of my favorites is because of the final kick. It's unlike anything I had ever seen before. Not to mention it is smooth as all hell.
Attached Files
Swex- BlackHawk.rpl (971.4 KB, 41 views)
parkour_city_prt2.tbm (23.2 KB, 12 views)
sorry about that.rpl (548.1 KB, 45 views)
|Opener by Xioi|#KillTheScootCork|
"Cool delfin med solglajjor" -Larfen
gonna move this to off-topic
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

I have two replays that are my personal favourites:

One of them is WooperScooper by ShoddyV2 (shoder in the replay). The opener is amazing and the tricks in it are so clean and the way that he plans ahead and executes every trick flawlessly shows that he is one of the best, if not the best tricker. It's also a really underrated replay, wasn't even posted ANYWHERE on the forums so only me and a few others saw it. (I don't know if this was ever finished, but shoddy is kinda not playing toribash anymore so it's probably gonna stay like this)

The other one is Washermashen, a collab between Dezrai and Vayne. These two are insane and the replay speaks for itself.
Attached Files
WooperScooper12.rpl (397.4 KB, 39 views)
[V]Washermashen.rpl (734.9 KB, 27 views)
Last edited by Glimpsed; Jul 5, 2016 at 05:18 PM.
I don't have an explanation, but I've always thought of dafekick by war_hero as an aesthetically "perfect" replay.

The most beautiful kick ever made imo

I do love complex shit but its the simple replays that are often truly memorable and most fanboy-inducing for me, so it's my favorite.

I would say the "best replay of all time" is limpstyleshiz by CheZDa because its still fucking godlike and he made it in like 2007 like no one else was nearly as good as him at the time in my eyes (dafe is cool but not like this)
Attached Files
#dafe kick.rpl (60.6 KB, 44 views)
CheZ_limpstyleshiz.rpl (130.1 KB, 38 views)
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
Oblivion - People That Can Eat People Are the Luckiest People In The World

might be slightly biased since oblivion was a huge inspiration, but regardless he's one of the coolest replay makers in my opinion. this replay in particular got me interested in tricking and realism.

Largekilla - The Real Ghetto

i dont even have to explain, do i?

Pusga - breaking things episode 47

this one is rather new, and god damn is it amazing. this became one of my favorite replays
tsu tsu cuckoo